BQool Repricing Central October Update

BQool Repricer is getting a huge update this October. Thanks to AI machine learning, BQool AI now has an even higher Buy Box win percentage. In addition, the dreaded suppressed Buy Box can now be effectively countered with BQool AI repricer as AI can optimally reprice based on collected past price data to maximize profit and sales even when Amazon is suppressing your listing. So, when there is no competition for the Buy Box, AI will automatically determine the optimal price for your listings. 




Ever wonder how well AI repricer is performing? Great news! The performance dashboard on Repricing Central is getting a revamped, it can provide the most up-to-date performance analysis of all your repricing strategies. You will also be able to get access to the insightful data on how you can improve the sales and buy box win rate for your listings. Remove the guesswork from your repricing strategy optimization and start repricing like a pro with a data-driven approach.




If you would like to further understand the sales number on your Amazon account, BQool has you covered. The Daily Sales report now has been updated and includes the sales chart that can plot the values on a chart and add a linear trendline so that you can visualize your store sales trend and make informed decision on scaling your business. 




The update is scheduled to be released in October, remember to subscribe to

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for more feature updates and announcement. Stay Tuned!  

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