Nearly 70% of buyers are deterred from buying a product if they read anywhere from 1-3 Amazon negative reviews. 70%! Over 1 review? Buyers just want to know if there’s any catch with the product they purchase, either to confirm suspicions or to eliminate risk and regret. It only takes one naysayer to derail your high-speed sales.
It doesn’t matter what your current review rating is when you have just one negative review that discredits your product; a crack in the wall is a crumbling wall waiting to happen. Unfairly detrimental. But what can you really do to remove Amazon negative reviews? Because we all know managing product reviews is annoying clean-up work, not to mention the hassle of finding out which buyer left a negative review. Is there any way to manage reviews, even to improve the number of positive reviews and your product review rating?
BQool automatically downloads new product reviews from your Amazon store to your BQool BigCRM every day. The Advanced Search feature of BQool review software allows you to search negative product reviews by Date Range, Reviewer Name, Order ID, or ASIN. Identify customers' issues and quickly contact them to reverse or remove Amazon negative reviews.
Don't let any negative review slip through the crack! BQool will automatically send a notification email to your inbox whenever you receive a review. A prompt response to unsatisfied buyers is the best start to remove their negative reviews.
BQool stores your communication with customers on your BigCRM account so that members of your customer service team are always on the same page when they follow up customers' enquires. Having a good communication with customers is one step closer to successfully remove Amazon negative reviews
Sort product reviews by status and see all unsolved negative reviews at a glance. Simply tag each review with a status tag such as Pending Reply, Pending Resolved, or Resolved and you can immediately tell whcih product review needs your utmost attention. (Hint: negative reviews)
BQool Review software allows you to identify buyers who left the most reviews, discover listings that received the most reviews and calculate the number of reviews your Amazon store received in 30 past days. You can find your loyal customers and reward them with coupon for shopping at your store.
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