Gain Most Accurate Data

Track and monitor key product metrics to improve data quality and validate product ideas.

Your critical business decisions rely on tracking and verifying product ideas that are based on the underlying data being accurate, reliable, timely, and complete. Product Tracker enables you to accurately capture the daily movement of a product so that you may analyze the daily price, sales rank, estimated sales & reviews over a period. Quality data enables better business decisions, delivering the ease of uncovering winning products.

Closely monitoring daily price, sales rank, estimated sales & reviews lead to improved product data accuracy
Accurate data results in better business decisions and uncovering of true winning products

Spy on Competitors

Spy on your competitors, follow their products and duplicate their success.

Do not let a competitor's best-selling product leave you behind. Follow and track their every move with BQool's Amazon Product Tracker. Easily track the details of your competitor's daily movement, including their product's price changes, sales rank, estimated sales, and much more, so that you may uncover the secrets of their success. And with these insights, you may utilize similar product strategies to minimize the learning curve when you launch your products on Amazon.

Uncover the successes behind your competitor's best-selling products by tracking their daily movements.
Duplicate the insights towards similar product launches.

Product Idea Management

Easily organize and manage your product ideas for faster go-to-market execution.

Identifying a product winner amongst a group of Amazon products requires extending a seller's research scope beyond product research. With Product Tracker, sellers may accurately track and compare similar products' daily key metrics to provide performance comparisons over the most recent period.

Easily add product ideas through Product Research or BigTracker Extension.
Group and compare similar products to track daily changes and identify best-selling products.

Know Your Margin with Profit Calculator

Quickly understand your overall costs and Amazon FBA fees to achieve product profitability.

Follow Sales Rank Alert

Get email alerts for predefined % changes in the sales rank for the past 24 hours, 7 days, or 30 days.

React quickly with Price Change Alert

Competitively adjust your price to competitors when they lower their prices.

Raise Price with Out-of-Stock Alert

Maximize your profit by raising your price when competitors run out of inventory.

Save Time with Auto-Translation

Simply click and translate English, French, German, Italian, Spanish & Japanese to your preferred language.

Add notes

Record and organize valuable ideas and insights for further product evaluation.

Identifying High Potential Products Can Be Easy with BigCentral!

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AI Deluxe Only $25 for 1st Month
New User: X0MHT4X8LC
Existing User: O0FSKCBLJ8

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