BQool Feedback Central & Repricing Central Changelog-2016-11-08

BQool Feedback Central & Repricing Central Changelog-2016-11-08

Feedback Central Update

Hi BQool user!
We would like to let you know that we will implement some minor updates to Feedback Central on 11-08-2016. Here’s a quick snippet of the changes:

  • When you log into Feedback Central, you can simply view your user email by placing your mouse over the “U” icon on the upper right hand side.
  • We added Click-to-Open Rate on the Dashboard and renamed “Click Rate” to “Click-Through-Rate.” The formula for “Click-To-Open Rate” is: Clicked / Opened x 100.
  • In Edit Campaign > Filters, we added two new options: “Include/Exclude Orders with item promotion discount” and “Include/Exclude Orders with ship promotion discount.”
  • We now have the option to exclude orders that have been refunded. It has been combined with the option to exclude cancelled orders. The two now make up a new filter called “Exclude Orders already been canceled or refunded.” Please note that excluding refunded orders is available for FBA orders only.
  • Previously, there was a message “This is the second email reminder” on top of the second email sent to buyers. We have removed this message to improve the politeness of emails.

Repricing Central Update

We will also make some minor improvements to Repricing Central on 11-08-2016. Below is what we changed:

  • You can now enter a cost of “0” on the Manage Listings page and through Bulk Uploads.Please note if 0 is entered for cost, then ROI in the Profit Calculator will display N.A.
  • We changed the VAT calculation method for the EU Price Calculator to better reflect the actual taxed amount when the product is sold at the Min and Max Price.
  • We’ve added a box called Listings Available on the Manage Listings page that will show the number of listings you are subscribed to and how many can be downloaded from Seller Central into your account.
  • In Repricing Central, the green check mark under Buy Box + Shipping column means that your price matches the current Buy Box price. The hover message of the green checkmark has been changed from “Your price is Buy Box price” to “Your Price Matches Buy Box price” to help reduce confusion.
  • In the Default Filters list, “Listings at Buy Box” and “Listings not at Buy Box” will be renamed “Listings match buy box price” and “Listings not match buy box price” to help reduce confusion.
  • We changed the name of the default repricing rule from “Get Buy Box” to “Stay Competitive” and updated the description to make it easier to understand what the rule does. The rule settings have not been changed. Only new users will see this.

We hope you find these updates useful! Please contact if you have any questions, and visit our support site for the most recent information about our product updates.
Have a wonderful day and happy selling!

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