Best Amazon Product Research Tool

Reduce product research time by 46%

Improve your Amazon product launch success rate by 70%

Make 100% Data-Driven Decisions

Use Amazon Product Research Extension to find your product niche and potential products on Amazon. BigTracker users can use the pro extension for Free!

Discover Winning Products on Amazon
  • Over 60 Million Product Data

    Use keywords on BigTracker to find top selling items from over 60 million products. Narrow down the search result by BSR (Best Seller Rank), Price, Reviews, Ratings and more.
  • Amazon Category Research

    Category Research Tools help you discover new potential product niches.
  • BigMovers Score

    Not sure what products to sell on Amazon? Don’t worry. Our sophisticated algorithm helps you pick the next 2018 Amazon best products.
Make Data-Driven Decisions to Outperform the Market
  • Product Pricing Research

    Set your product pricing strategy with the help of the pricing analytics tool to get more sales.
  • Shopping Behavior Research

    Reveal Frequently Bought Items and Also Bought Items to create a winning product portfolio.
  • Product Competition Research

    Know potential flaws in your product by comparing your product with competitors’. Learn product bundling and product variation strategies from other successful sellers!
  • Amazon Product Tracker

    Use sales rank tracker, buy box price tracker and deal tracker to spy on your competitors and instantly make counter strategies!
A Set of Tools for Discovering Future Hot Sellers
  • Review Tracker

  • Review Management and Notification

  • Competitor Price Change Notification

  • Hijacker Alert

  • Q&A Tracker

  • Q&A Management and Notification

  • Low Inventory Alert

  • BSR Change Alert

  • Deal Tracker

  • Brand Tracker

  • Amazon Product Finder

  • Amazon FBA Profit Calculator

Join BigTracker and Use Our Vendor & FBA Sellers Tools to Successfully Launch an Amazon Product!

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with annual subscription


  • Product / Keyword Research
  • Product Tracker
  • Product Research
  • Keyword Research
  • Reverse ASIN Lookup
  • BigTracker Chrome Extension
Business $50/month Free Trial 14 Days
Business $45/month Free Trial 14 Days
  • Product / Keyword Research
  • Product Tracker60 ASIN
  • Product Research
  • Keyword Research
  • Reverse ASIN Lookup
  • BigTracker Chrome Extension
Diamond $100/month
Diamond $90/month
  • Product / Keyword Research
  • Product Tracker200 ASIN
  • Product Research
  • Keyword Research
  • Reverse ASIN Lookup
  • BigTracker Chrome Extension
Elite $200/month
Elite $180/month
  • Product / Keyword Research
  • Product Tracker500 ASIN
  • Product Research
  • Keyword Research
  • Reverse ASIN Lookup
  • BigTracker Chrome Extension

Annual Plan 10% OFF

Find Profitable Products to Sell on Amazon and Make Data-Driven Product Decisions.
The Most Accurate Amazon research tool in the Industry.