Is your Amazon feedback tool failing to get feedback and reviews?
Try BigCRM, a revolutionary Amazon seller tool that increases your reviews & feedback like no other
BQool’s latest product BigCRM is the only Amazon feedback tool with a buyer seller messaging system that offers an innovative way to get more feedback and reviews and bypass Amazon buyer opt-out restriction.
Currently, Feedbackwhiz does not have a built-in integration with the buyer seller messaging system and it lacks product research functionality. If you want an Amazon feedback tool that includes a buyer seller messaging system and a product research feature, you ought to try out BigCRM
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Price $35Per month |
Price $36.99Per month |
2,000 Monthly Emails |
2,000 Monthly Emails |
55 ASIN Review Monitoring |
50 ASIN Review Monitoring |
AI-Powered Email |
AI-Powered Email |
Buyer Seller Messaging System |
Buyer Seller Messaging System |
Message Auto Reply |
Message Auto Reply |
Free Extension |
Free Extension |
5 ASIN Product Tracker |
Product Tracker |
Amazon sellers rejoice! No longer would you need to switch on the vacation setting on your store when you are on holiday.
Auto responder is included in BigCRM. You can now go on a holiday without worrying about missing buyer messages as BigCRM can auto-reply your customer emails.
Making the switch to BQool today! Simply email our finest Customer Success
Team at to get a step-by-step assistance migrating from Feedbackwhiz to BQool.
I was able to get back around 10 reviews per 100 orders, thanks to BQool AI Smart Email Subject and Scheduling feature.Jared |
Limited-Time Offer! AI Deluxe Only $25 for the First Month
New User Code: X0MHT4X8LC | Existing User Code: O0FSKCBLJ8
AI Deluxe Only $25 for 1st Month
New User: X0MHT4X8LC
Existing User: O0FSKCBLJ8