BQool Repricing Central Garners Two SaaS Tools Awards: 2017 Great User Experience and Rising Star

BQool Repricing Central was recently granted two major industry awards from one of the leading B2B software review sites, FinancesOnline. Our software was granted the 2017 Great User Experience Award for excellence in usability, and 2017 Rising Star Award for featuring must-have tools in its niche despite being recently launched.


The Great User Experience Award for top sales proposal automation software is given to business solutions that showcase a high user adoption rating because of its intuitive design and user-friendly features, primarily on repricing for Amazon merchants. Our solution helps Amazon merchants to automatically reprice products based on defined rules that follow market conditions, competitor’s price movement and other factors. This makes it easy for sellers to optimize pricing and maintain a competitive edge in their category.


Likewise, the Rising Star Award signifies excellence, in this case, the novelty use of our software to gain market advantage. Amazon sellers are able to monitor pricing in their niche round the clock and get to use our highly practical tools for online selling like profit calculator, listing data analysis, buy-box price comparison and more.


Incidentally, FinancesOnline included us in their list of popular sales software tools, concluding that our software will help “you gain insights and discover information that will help you steer your Amazon Store to success.”

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