BigCentral October Update

The latest update for BQool’s BigCentral will be released on Oct 26th and includes product alignment with Amazon’s latest communication guidelines, as well as other general enhancements for BigCentral’s Profit Dashboard. If you would like to know more about the change in policy please click: here. For more detailed information, feel free to contact BQool support.


Automatic attachment of Order ID on Email Campaigns 

Sellers are now required to include the Order ID in the subject line. BQool has accounted for this with the option to automatically include an order ID to the end of every subject line, saving you time from searching every individual order. When the “Attach Order ID to end of subject” is checked, and if there is no {{order_id}} variable or 17 number order number, then the Order ID will be added automatically. 

October update BC


Profit Dashboard “Most Reimbursed” Added 

As an Amazon FBA seller, you may at one time, or another face an issue or error where reimbursements are owed to you. This may arise from customer returns, inbound shipments, lost inventory, or damaged inventory. To provide a quick glimpse of the products that are most reimbursed by dollar value, you may now view this ranking in the Profit Dashboard. 

BC update

Limited-Time Offer! AI Deluxe Only $25 for the First Month
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AI Deluxe Only $25 for 1st Month
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