Get Amazon Feedback & Improve Seller Rating

Get Amazon Feedback & Reviews, manage Feedback and improve seller rating with the most powerful Amazon feedback software

Request Product Reviews

Requesting product reviews and feedback on Amazon doesn’t have to be an irritable chore. BQool is here to assist you and your business, to get Amazon reviews & feedback, and improve seller rating.

Higher Seller Rating

BQool Feedback Central provides automated email tool that sends out review and feedback request emails to your Amazon buyers to help you increase your seller rating and product reviews with greater efficiency.

More Reviews More Sales

Better management and greater feedback resolution will result in a higher Amazon seller rating, which cannot be overstated. A higher Amazon seller rating is often the key consideration for a buyer when he chooses between purchasing from you or from your competitor.

AI-Powered Subject and Schedule

Our revolutionary AI-Powered solution can help you get more feedback and reviews effectively. By automatically finding the optimal email subject and scheduling the ideal delivery time for each email, this sophisticated feature helps the user to maximize their potential for more feedback and reviews.

Get Amazon Feedback & Reviews

If you are having trouble getting reviews for your products, why not try BQool Feedback Central? BQool feedback software can send your Amazon review and feedback request emails automatically to all your buyers and ask for reviews and feedback. Buyers can immediately give you Amazon reviews or feedback simply by clicking on a "leave a review or feedback" link in the email.

Create Email Templates

BQool feedback software has built-in email templates for many different purposes. You can send the preset emails to request feedback or reviews from your buyers to improve seller rating and get more reviews. If you would like to create your own email templates, you can utilize BQool email template builder that lets you create a set of customized email templates for various scenarios.

Get Daily Feedback

BQool Feedback Central automatically searches for and downloads any new positive, neutral and negative feedback each day. Contact unsatisfied customers and resolve their issues to improve your seller rating. Negative feedback removal is no longer a daunting task.

Track Feedback Status

Sort your Amazon feedback by status and discover all unsolved complaints at a glance. Simply tag each buyer feedback with status tags like Pending, Responded, or Resolved, so that you can immediately tell which feedback still needs your attention and respond to negative feedback promptly, professionally & efficiently.

Turn Negatives into Positives

BQool Feedback Central saves you a tremendous amount of time on feedback management and enables you to respond appropriately to negative feedback with a higher rate of success. Also, your ODR (Order Defect Rate) and amazon seller rating can be greatly improved.

Your Best Amazon eCommerce Companion

What Amazon Vendors & Sellers are Saying

Conrad Buchanan

BQool Feedback Central automates personalised communication with your customers, it put 2% points on our feedback and 9% points on our Buy Box %!


After using BQool Feedback Central we’ve got more feedback than ever before! BQool Feedback Central is a must-have for Amazon Sellers.

Jane Stone

BQool is an effective and user-friendly tool for improving our review and feedback scores. I give 5 stars with my rating.


Been using BQool Feedback Central and it has saved a lot of time for my customer service team. Definitely a cost-effective choice.


BQool customer feedback software is a great choice for us sellers! It indeed saved us lots of time to track customers. You can edit the default template as you want. It is helpful for us sellers, especially those big sellers.

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