AI-Tech Enhances BQool Feedback Central - BQool Latest Update Now Live

BQool is excited to announce the release of the latest update for BQool Feedback Central. In this Feedback Central update, the revolutionary AI-Powered function has been implemented to help you to get more feedback and reviews effectively.

Thanks to a collection of almost 2 million proven big data components, our revolutionary AI-Powered solution can automatically find the optimal email subject, assign and schedule the best send time and date for each email campaign. It removes the element of guesswork when trying to establish a proven email strategy.

AI-Powered Email Subject

AI-Powered Email Subject is a reliable AI-driven technology for email subject assignment. It helps you find the best email subject for your campaign. With the help of machine learning, it assigns the optimal email subject to boost customer open rate and ensuresemail open rate for each campaign is maximized to its full potential.

AI-Powered Smart Schedule

AI-Powered Smart Schedule is a sophisticated AI-poweredfeature for email campaign scheduling.With the help of machine learning, it can predict the optimal schedule for each email. It helps you to find the best time and day to send email to your buyers and maximize the chance for getting more feedback and reviews.

The new update is also packed with many feature enhancements such as HTML Editor upgrade and email interface tweak for all BQool Feedback Central users. If you would like to take full advantage of Feedback Central AI-Poweredfunction, it is available with the $50 or above subscription plan.

Be proactive when managing your online reputation and increase your Amazon sales in the process by using Feedback Central. Feedback Central comes with a 30-day free trial so why not try today and experience how AI-powered function can help you grow your Amazon business!

Limited-Time Offer! AI Deluxe Only $25 for the First Month
New User Code: X0MHT4X8LC | Existing User Code: O0FSKCBLJ8

AI Deluxe Only $25 for 1st Month
New User: X0MHT4X8LC
Existing User: O0FSKCBLJ8

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